If you are like most business professionals, you have taken classes or read articles on how to interview potential employees. What I have always found amusing about this is that they never ask what you are like. What type of people do you work best with? What do you want in a an employee? The last time you hired someone that was effective what were they like? The reason I find it amusing is that more than 50% of the reason an employee does not work out is usually YOU.
Don’t take offense in that. But, we all know that if we don’t “connect” with an employee, then training, growth, and development of that employee will be next to impossible. I think about leaders and employees that I have hired in the past. When I try to be something I am not during the interview, I fail miserably. When I interview for what I am, and what I am looking for, then I usually am much more happy.
Interview Derailers (Key indicators that the person you are interviewing is not the best for your organization)
- The person you are interviewing always agrees with you
- There is no conversation. The interview is just that, an interview where you ask questions and they give you answers. How well do they think and communicate?
- There is no energy or passion in their voice or eyes. (yes, their eyes should light up when you are talking to them
- They have done no research on you and your business. There are many online resources to research potential businesses. http://www.google.com/; http://www.linkedin.com/; http://www.yahoo.com/; (if they have not taken the time to look you up, then do they really care?)
How should you prepare for an interview and what should you ask for prior to and during the interview?
Every new employee is your opportunity to take your business to the next level
Know exactly what you are looking for in an employee. (think of someone you have had work for you in the past that you found success with; think of someone that you have run into that you said, “when I hire someone that is the kind of person I want”.
Review and research past employers they have had. Again, the online resources you have are incredible. Research Facebook, Twitter, Formspring, etc. Keep in mind, what people say and do online are them everyday. You will only see them at their best during the interview.
THIS IS THE BEST THE EMPLOYEE WILL EVER LOOK AND ACT -- Think about that. When a potential candidate walks into an interview, that is the best they are. They will never look better or act better than this. Ask yourself, is 75% of what I see and hear today good enough for me to take my company to the next level.
Keep in mind that there is no greater decision you will make than the people that you surround yourself with. The people you bring on should either compliment you and your leadership, or push you to new highs.
In the next article, I will go over how to on-board a new employee. How you should have clear expectations for the new employee. The importance of setting goals and time-lines from the very first day. Make sure you check back in to our blog at http://abc-allbusiness.blogspot.com/.
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